星期三, 11月 03, 2010

How to create a ssh tunnel with PuTTY

Download PuTTY

Install PuTTY

Execute PuTTYgen
-> Generate -> Save private key -> c:\mykey.ppk

Copy the content in "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file:"

Close PuTTYgen

Login to OpenSSH server with username/password

Open ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Paste the content into the file


Execute PuTTY

New a session, ex: mytunnel
Connection - Data - Login details - Auto-login username:
fill you username
Connection - SSH - Auth - Attempt authentication using Pageant
Connection - SSH - Auth - Allow agent forwarding
Connection - SSH - Auth - Private key file for authentication:

Connection - SSH - Tunnels - Source port: 8080
Connection - SSH - Tunnels - Dynamic
Connection - SSH - Tunnels - Auto
Press Add

Session - Save

Close PuTTY

Copy short cut of "All Programs - PuTTY - Pageant" into "Program set\Startup"

right click on the short cut, select content

Modify the Target to
"C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe" c:\mykey.ppk
